Sovereign Planning | Professional Will Writing, LPA & Trusts

Professional Will Writing
Completed in the comfort of your own home tailored to your exact requirements

Will Writing
Having a Will is one of the most important things you should have in place. You decide how you want to divide your estate. Without a Will you are leaving the Government to decide who gets what, including your children if they are under the age of 18.

Lasting Power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney is the second most important thing you should have in place. In case you lose mental capacity whilst you are still alive. Appointing somebody to act on your behalf regarding financial and welfare decisions is very important.

Having a Trust puts all your assets in order giving protection to both your living partner and your bloodline children. We help you to make sure that disinheritance, remarriage or long term care doesn't effect what your wishes were when you passed away giving you choices.
Professional Will Writing, LPA & Trusts
If you are looking for Professional Will Writing, LPA or Trusts, we are here to assist you, with all your future planning needs with our local specialists near you.
Customer service is very important to us, because without you the customer we have nothing and that is why we take our role so seriously. Every customer is invited to review us on Trustpilot and we listen to all the feedback and are always striving for continuous improvement. We have first-hand experience of a family member not having the correct Will in place and seeing the true financial cost to the estate.
We have a national network of Will Writers and Estate Planners that can come to your house at a time that is convenient to you and provide you with a bespoke service to your needs.