Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney
Entrust your financial affairs to someone you rely on with Lasting Power of Attorney
Our legal services provide you with LPA services to secure your financial future. It ensures that someone trustworthy is taking care of your financial affairs and assets. We guarantee that your LPA is created as per your directions and according to the existing laws. With our professional and expert advice, you can have your LPA made before it is too late.
What is an LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney)?
When you have a physical or mental condition that makes it hard for you to handle your own financial and legal affairs, an LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) gives you someone you trust the authority to manage your affairs on your behalf. The NHS put together this guide on Lasting Power of Attorneys.
Types of LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney)
There are generally two types of LPA:
LPA for handling your property and financial affairs. It gives authority to a chosen person to manage your financial matters, bank accounts, bills and property on your behalf.
LPA for health and welfare allows a chosen person to make decisions about your healthcare and medical needs.
When You need an LPA (Lasting Power Of Attorney)?
If you suffered from a severe accident or stroke which affected you physically as well as mental health, then it may become difficult for you to manage your financial affairs and assets. It can also be difficult for you to take the right decisions. With a Lasting Power of Attorney, an individual of your choice gets the power to make decisions and take actions on your behalf when you are not in a condition to act on your own.
When You may need an LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney)?
There are certain conditions and circumstances where having an LPA save your family’s future.
Certain kind of diseases, such as motor neuron disease, dementia, stroke or Parkinson’s disease, which can adversely affect your decision making abilities.
If you lose your mental capacity or you have a mental problem, without LPA your family can lose thousands of pounds and waste time to get the permission to handle your legal and financial affairs.
If you don’t have an LPA, any mutual bank accounts which you may have with someone could be restricted or suspended. This can cause serious problems, especially if your bills are paid through this account or your income or pension is credited to this account.
In these circumstances, having an LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) in place is a blessing. Unexpected events can hit anyone at any time so you should remain prepared with an LPA to manage such circumstances before they strike.
Take Help of Legal Professionals for LPA
With our expert legal services, you can have your LPA made quickly and efficiently. With our knowledge of the latest constitutional LPA laws and regulations, we ensure that your future is secure and you need not to pay unnecessary legal costs.
Contact us today to complete your LPA and get it quickly without any hassle!